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CompanyTopic Settings Guide

This is not an exhaustive list of company topic settings. But these are the settings that caused most confusion

Deprecation Date

In dutch: einddatum

  • deprecation_date is a fixed date.
  • 3 months before this date the company topic (if approved) gets the status deprecated_soon
  • On this date the company topic gets the status deprecated
  • Deprecation of a company topic does not impact participation status
  • Deprecation status is shown in the topics library when the user does not have a finished participation

Participation expires in

In dutch: geldigheidsduur

  • participation_expires_in is an integer and counted in years
  • When a participation is succeeded the expiration_date is set based on the current date plus the specified period
  • 3 months before the expiration_date the participation gets the status expires_soon
  • On the expiration_date the participation gets the status expired
  • When the particpation has the status expires_soon or expired the user is allowed to start a new participation for this topic.
  • After succeeding this repeat participation the cycle starts again

Participation deadline

In dutch: looptijd

  • participation_deadline is a string for a period in weeks or months. (f.e. 2 weeks or 5 months)
  • When a participation is created the deadline date is set based on the current date plus the specified period
  • 1 month before the deadline the participation gets the status deadline_soon
  • On the deadline the participation gets the status deadline_expired
  • When the participation is finished (before or after the deadline) the participation gets the status succeeded or failed and the deadline no longer applies
  • When the participation_deadline is combined with participation_expires_in the deadline is only set for the first participation